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medical cost projections

projecting a lifetime of possibility

You can’t predict a patient’s medical future—but together, we can make informed decisions to help improve it.

details make all the difference

We start with a comprehensive review by a highly qualified nurse expert, who works to understand all potential care needs, areas of exposure, and avenues for positive mitigation.

Our final deliverable is an industry-unique, evidence-based report that will:

  • Project future medical treatments and expected costs
  • Establish accurate reserves while incorporating your specific reserving philosophies
  • Mitigate future exposure by providing detailed analysis and state specific recommendations
  • Speak to insurers, employers, and attorneys

Detailed projections of lifetime medical costs

Individually customized and accurate analysis

Clear, easy-to-understand reports

Specific, actionable recommendations to minimize high cost drivers

understanding the difference between probable and possible

We deliver an accurate depiction of current and reasonable exposure, while identifying opportunities for cost savings and improved outcomes.

Potential exposure

Based upon reasonable, probable complications and their anticipated costs, incorporating:

  • Accident, injury, and history
  • Treatment and comorbidities
  • Age and life expectancy

Potential savings

Strategic cost-savings opportunities where available and appropriate, including but not limited to:

  • Pharmacy mitigation
  • Treatment modifications
  • Case specific recommendations

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